25 October 2013

Today is Ian’s birthday.   I couldn’t write this date without acknowledging its significance to me.   We’d have been going somewhere nice this evening and no doubt sharing a really good bottle of wine over dinner.    

Today also represents another special occasion.    Our lovely friend and photographer, Tim Hardy, and his fiancée, Hannah, are getting married.   Tim does so much for Team PPR, asking for no fee and removing all copyright. We wish them all the very best and send lots of love from all at The PPR Foundation.

We had our bi-monthly PPR meeting yesterday;  we’ve taken to having them at Dr B’s Kitchen in Harrogate as it’s an ideal venue.  We can discuss all that’s on the agenda and then have a super lunch, beautifully served in the restaurant downstairs.    That’s why I chose Dr B’s as the venue for our Wine Tasting on 29 November.  They’re just spot on!

The meeting, as ever, brought up lots of new ideas:  crafts that could be made to sell;  E-baying unwanted items to raise funds;  attendance with our collecting buckets at next year’s Horse Trials at Allerton Park.  For this latter suggestion, we have Lady Mowbray to thank.  She came along to our meeting and can make this happen for us.    (The words “friends” and “high places” come to mind!)

And the money keeps rolling in!  Jetta told me that a local group called Spectrum is organising coffee mornings to raise money for two local charities and we are one of them.    Spectrum is a social group for people who have been bereaved and they get up to all sorts of activities.    Good luck with the coffee mornings and thank you very much for thinking of us!

Pammie was at a party last week and the PPR logos on her car doors were noticed.   When she explained what they represented, an £80 donation was made by Neil;  another £50 was given by Kate Wilkinson and then another £110 from Julie Dedman (our Patron) who continues to collect donations on our behalf.  So in a very short time, Pammie had collected in £240!   She makes fundraising seem like child’s play!  Thank you, thank you, thank you for all those donations.

Oooh, and before I forget.  Last week I mentioned about our Justgiving pages.  Do you know that you can donate to PPR’s brain tumour research fund by sending a text?    This way you can donate as little as £1.   (Apparently if you donate via the Justgiving webpage, it’s a minimum donation of £2).   Why not give it a try right now and see if you are successful?     Text 70070 quoting ROWE57 £1 

Well, Pammie’s taking over the blog for the next few weeks but I’ll be back soon!   


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